Success Story4-H Camp in a Box
4-H Camp in a Box
Author: Brian Good
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Empowering current and future leaders; positive youth development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Due to the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, the Kentucky 4-H camping season was cancelled. Kentucky has four 4-H Camp sites across the state that sees approximately 11,000 youth and 2,000 adults each summer on their grounds. Bell County 4-H typically takes between 50-60 youth to experience a lifetime memory. Bell County 4-H receives annual donations from gracious donors that assist in offsetting the cost of camp attendance for youth. With 4-H Camp being cancelled, one donor graciously decided to use their funds towards 4-H Camp in a Box, therefore allowing local youth to have some sort of camping experience this summer. The donation allowed us to purchase 110 boxes. Enrollment to obtain a box was opened, and all 110 boxes were reserved within three days. The 4-H Camps in a Box were assembled by the staff at 4-H campsites and then delivered to extension offices. The boxes that Bell County received was the Night Hike box. These boxes included light wands, wristbands, hats, several activities and a camp kitchen recipe. The youth learned to identify stars, create and use a homemade planetarium and compare/contrast the constellations. The boxes have been very popular with our local youth, with feedback coming in almost daily. One parent wrote the Bell County Extension office and stated, “Thank you so much for the camp box! Our son loves his!” Over 90% of last year’s campers elected to receive a box this year and around 50% of all boxes ordered were attached to a child that had never been to 4-H Camp in the past.
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