Author: Paul Andrew Rideout
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Agricultural Practices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Master Cattlemen Pays Off
According to the 2008 National Agriculture Statistics Service, Beef Cattle receipts for the Seven County Green River Area are $30,871,000.00 With the increased need of income to replace lost revenue from the tobacco buyout and the economy, farmers are looking to make beef cattle operations more efficient and profitable.
With a cooperative effort amount the Green River Area counties and working with Natural Resources Conservation Service and local cattlemen associations, 30+ producers participated in the 2019 Green River Area Master Cattlemen Program.
The Master Cattlemen program is an intensive 40 hour educational program focusing on all aspects of cattle production and marketing. It is designed to provide cattlemen with vital, cutting-edge information that will allow them to increase profitability in the very competitive cattle industry.
Henderson County participants are quoted saying “This is great information, almost more than I can process. I am glad you guys provide the information in our binder so I can refer back to it.”
A follow up post survey is planned for this fall to gather impact data per farm.
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