Success Story4-H Communication and Expressive Arts Programs

4-H Communication and Expressive Arts Programs

Author: Jennifer Tackett

Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations

Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Research shows a positive association between arts participation and a number of desirable academic and social outcomes, such as school grades, test scores, enrollment in post-secondary education, attainment of a bachelor’s degree, and higher levels of literacy and civic engagement. (Child Trends, 2013)

This year in Kentucky 4-H, 11,538 youth revealed in an end of program evaluation that they have improved their communications skills by completing a speech, demonstration or other public presentation through Kentucky 4-H Communication and Expressive Arts programming. Also, 7,336 youth shared that they expressed themselves by completing an arts project.

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