Success StoryData for the “Extension Transition”
Data for the “Extension Transition”
Author: Julie N. Zimmerman
Planning Unit: Community & Leadership Development
Major Program: Staff Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Prior to COVID-19, Cooperative Extension had begun a process to conceptualize and implement a new administrative structure. Part of these changes included moving from a structure of 7 multi-county Districts to one of 3 regions with smaller multi-county areas within each region. To help the 3 newly hired Regional Directors to gain a better understanding of the counties within their regions, with Cameron McAlister, we used the recently completed “2019 County Profiles” from Kentucky: By The Numbers data series and created 11 x 17 mini posters for each region containing 14 maps of key variables including population projections, data on aging and youth populations, families with children, poverty, income, education, agriculture, and race/ethnicity. The 42 maps were combined with a detailed map of each new region with county names and the designated multi-county areas. In addition, 11 x 17 mini posters were also created providing detailed county population data for the three regions and multi-county areas within each region. The mini posters were distributed to each of the newly hired Extension Regional Directors and were well received as a helpful tool as they sought to better understand the counties that would be under their direction.
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