Success StoryECFP- Local Executive and Judges Meeting
ECFP- Local Executive and Judges Meeting
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Farm Management
Plan of Work: To improve the stability, resiliency, and financial well being of individuals and families.
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Early Career Farming Program (ECFP) - Local Executive and Judges Meeting
Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman County had a market value of $337 million in agricultural products last year – equal to the single largest producing county in the state. This region spent over $70 million on fertilizer, seed and chemicals alone last year. After discussing with CEC board and Ag council, agents wanted to offer a program geared toward younger farmers getting ready to transition toward making farm decisions while being a part of the family farming operation. It was also intended to get younger producers to attend extension programs and using UKY based information. Our last meeting with ECFP was with county executives and officials. A special supper was held with plaques presented to each participant. Presentations were made by county officials encouraging the group to become involved in county events and policies. Evaluations have been given after each session and each time. 98 per cent of the evaluations have been excellent for information to take back to the farm and implement. At our last meeting we gave an exit evaluation to be mailed back to the extension office. Below are two answers to the last statement on the evaluation which was: In one or two sentences tell us why someone should enroll in this program.
1st Response- Now more than ever young early career farmers need to have a network of resources and people to help stay afloat in this industry. The Early Career Farmer Program gives us these resources and opportunities.
2nd Response- It’s a good way to meet people in similar situations as me and hear their opinion as well as learn from experts in the field.
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