Success StoryKentucky Volunteer Forum
Kentucky Volunteer Forum
Author: Gary Druin
Planning Unit: Ohio County CES
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Volunteers play vital roles in 4-H programs, implementing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds. The success of Extension and 4-H Youth Development programming is due, in part, to the dedication of a large group of volunteers. 4-H traditionally focuses on positive youth development, but adult volunteers are the foundation of the program.Effective training programs enable volunteer leaders to develop sets of skills, receive rewards, and experience social affiliation, and are key to leader participation and retention. Education is essential in preparing volunteers for the role they accepted and designed to enhance their knowledge and skills. Volunteers need meaningful education opportunities and developing and managing Extension volunteer programs involves significant attention on volunteer education. Education is a necessary component of volunteer administration and management structure.
The Kentucky Volunteer Forum increases the capacity of the volunteer to contribute to the overall mission of the 4-H Youth Development program and the Cooperative Extension Service by providing the educational and technical resources that volunteers need to meet the 4-H member’s and community’s needs. The Volunteer forum provides varied ongoing education and networking opportunities and is a critical component in preparing and retaining volunteers for the success of 4-H and the Cooperative Extension Service. Four adult and youth volunteers attended the 2020 Kentucky Volunteer Forum to share cutting edge information, provide networking opportunities, receive continuing education, introduction to new 4-H Programs, projects, events and activities and recognized those that have made an impact on the lives of Kentucky’s youth. When asked to identify what they had gained from attending the KVF, 21.40% of attendees reported “learning about new programs” 19.74% gathered new information, 17.71% developed new skills, while 17.53% were “motivated or inspired,” and 16.24% benefitted from “networking.” When asked what components of the forum they most enjoyed, the two most popular responses included workshops (29.97%) and networking opportunities (17.69%). The Ohio County volunteers indicated that they would teach new information at a 4-H Club meeting, planned to share information with other volunteers and introduce a new project, program, or activity in their club or county. After attending the forum, two volunteers organized a certified 4-H Babysitting Workshop for ten youth. A youth volunteer has been accepted to serve as a 2020-2021 state delegate to the 4-H Healthy Living Leadership board.
Stories by Gary Druin
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Stories by 4-H Volunteer Programming

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