Success Story4-H Project success demonstrates knowledge.
4-H Project success demonstrates knowledge.
Author: Lloyd Saylor
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
continued growth and development of the Butler Co. Fair is astounding. The added success our youth are having at the KY State Fair is a direct reflection of this event.
The original Butler County Fair ended in 1971.. Re-starting and rebuilding the fair has been a challenge worth the effort. After 7 years we are now having over 500 4-H project entries 200-300 open entries, 40+ head of livestock showed and presented by 4-H, FFA, and Novice entrants.
The Butler Co. Catfish Festival "sort of" took it's place in the 1980's. We added 4-H Livestock shows (held on a softball field) and a few events over the years. After years of discussions, the County Extension Council, 4-H Council, the City Council and Mayor got serious about developing a facility and re-starting the county fair. $850,000, went into a new facility. Several grants from various sources, plus local funding saw the development of a 7,500 ft. Ag. Pavilion, a 3,600 sq. ft. meeting room / floral hall, kitchen and restroom facilities. It is located at the City park (city pays all maintenance, insurance, and utilities) adjacent to the Soccer complex so we can share parking.
This was our 7th. year with a full county fair. 4-H/FFA Livestock Show, 4-H Rabbit show, and 4-H Project show. Our Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Festival/Fair, and bills the 4-H Project show as “THE BEST OF THE BEST”.Our State Fair participation has grown accordingly with year after year of growing entries and several Division Champions (Electric, and Entomology this year.) As well as several class champions. Not only do State Champions provide evidence of successful learning projects but pre and post testing of youth proves they are learning specific knowledge in their project areas.
The opportunity for youth to exhibit projects is great, the encouragement the "Big show" provides for youth to complete projects is invaluable. The opportunity to show off our best, to have thousands of visitors go through the exhibit hall promotes our program in ways that simple news articles cannot convey. The tens of thousands of hours of work put forth by our volunteer leaders, the fact that our 4-H volunteers, Ag. volunteers County FCS volunteers, and Extension Council volunteers were able to team with local elected officials shows the value of our leadership programs. The Butler Co. Fair and Exhibits are rapidly becoming a signature event in Butler Co.
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