Success Story4-H Camp at Home
4-H Camp at Home
Author: Aubrey Lawson
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Some of the goals of the Kentucky 4-H Camping Program includes providing a positive change in youth, providing programming that allows youth to master activity skills, creating a sense of belonging for everyone that participates, providing experiences that lead to new interests and hobbies, and to increase our retention rate of campers and volunteers. Due the COVID-19 the Kentucky 4-H Camping Program was suspended this summer. The Madison County Cooperative Extension Service understood the deficit of not providing 4-H Camp to our youth in Madison County and created an alternative virtual, at-home option for the campers who were signed up to attend Madison County 4-H Camp 2020. The purpose of this program was to still offer a program that attempted to reach the goals listed above. Campers were given a time to pick up a box of supplies at the Madison County Extension Office and were provided access to an online platform to share their accomplishments, participate in Zoom sessions and find additional resources.
As a result of the 4-H Camp at Home program, we received many positive comments from parents with one sharing "Our children haven't played this much together in a while. These games and activities have brought our family closer."
At the conclusion of the week parents of these campers were asked to fill out an evaluation and here were the findings:
-89% of parents reported that their camper was more physically active are a result of Camp at Home
-100% of parents reported that their camper was looking forward to returning to 4-H Camp next summer
-71% reported that the camper took up a new hobby as a result of the Camp at Home Program
-100% of parents reported that their camper learned a new skill as a result of the Camp at Home Program
-85% reported that their camper spend more time outdoors than normal, as a result of the Camp at Home Program
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