Success StoryTraining 4Hers for state avian bowl contest in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

Training 4Hers for state avian bowl contest in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

Author: Jacqueline Jacob

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The University of Kentucky poultry program offers five competitive events for 4-Hers in the state. All these programs have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the popular events is the avian bowl contest. This is a double-elimination knowledge bowl related to poultry. Questions are drawn from the material in the avian bowl manual. There are state contests for both the juniors and seniors with the top seniors qualifying for the national contest. I have developed narrated PowerPoints that cover the materials in each of the sections. This makes it easier for the 4-Hers, especially the younger ones, to learn the material since visual aids are used and terms and principles are explained in easier terms than those used in the book. This year the narrated PowerPoints have been saved as videos and posted on a private YouTube channel and made available to the 4-Hers through a private Facebook page. I have also produced crossword puzzles to help the 4-Hers to study the different terms in the sections, as well as the spelling of these terms. I have also created flashcards to help them memorize some of the material. All of these are available on the private Facebook page. In addition, weekly zoom meetings have been held in which practice questions are asked to help them study. I have gotten good feedback from the 4-Hers and their parents stating that they enjoy the sessions and it is a fun way to learn.

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