Success StoryCorn nematode survey
Corn nematode survey
Author: Kiersten Wise
Planning Unit: Plant Pathology
Major Program: Integrated Plant Pest Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Corn nematodes have the potential to be yield-limiting pests of Kentucky corn. However, there have been no previous comprehensive surveys to understand corn nematode distribution in Kentucky. In 2019, 20 Kentucky counties were surveyed by County Agents, with at least three samples collected per county, for a total of 78 samples examined for species and level of plant parasitic nematodes in corn. At least one species of nematode was detected in each corn field, with spiral, lesion, and lance nematodes detected most frequently (in over 50% of samples). Damaging species such as needle, stunt, stubby root, or root-knot nematodes were not detected in any samples. Most samples had “low” levels of nematodes; 24% of samples had moderate or high levels of spiral nematode, and 14% of samples had moderate or high levels of lesion nematode. Nematode levels and species varied widely across the sampled counties, and within a county. The survey will be repeated in 2020.
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