Success StoryBees in a package
Bees in a package
Author: Adam Barnes
Planning Unit: Livingston County CES
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
Plan of Work: Animal science education for adults and youth.
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Bees in a package
During the COVID-19 quarantine, Livingston ANR worked in more unconventional ways to continue serving the community. Livingston ANR offered information to the community by utilizing social media outlets such as Facebook post and live videos.
Traditionally Livingston County ANR does a lot of work with honey bees during the summer, but is especially busy during the spring. Most of the bee work is hands on training and hive inspections with the new bee keepers. Due to the quarantine this spring this made helping local bee keepers a little more challenging. One way of offsetting the disadvantage of little, to none one on one farm calls was by using social media and videos.
Livingston ANR made and published a Facebook video on how to install a package of honey bees, on the same day that our local bee keeper supply house had packages of bees in. That day a new beekeeper called and wanted helping installing a package that day. I told him about the video and told him where to watch it and then call me back if he had any questions. He called back in a few moments and said the video had helped a lot.
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