Success StoryOnline Agriculture Education Programs Offered for the First Time
Online Agriculture Education Programs Offered for the First Time
Author: Daniel Allen
Planning Unit: Kenton County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Economic Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
On-line Agriculture Programs Offered for the First Time
Many things have changed within Extension Service because of the COVID19 pandemic. The biggest change came in the way we offer educational programs to our residents. Kenton County offered agriculture classes on-line as a way of continued service to the residents in Kenton County. There were 6 classes offered in spring and early summer to over 40 farmers. Topics included Backyard Poultry, Farm Ponds, Fencing Basics, Forest Invasive Species, Pasture Renovation, and Grazing Strategies. These programs also offered educational opportunities for those participating in the County Agriculture Investment Program. As a follow-up there were seven people that were engaged in conversations regarding how effective was this non-traditional approach to agriculture education programs. All of those engaged agreed that the on-line classes fit in their schedules better, and eliminated the need to commute out after they got home from their off farm jobs. All agreed that they appreciated starting on time without the distraction of others showing up after the class begins. All agreed that they would be interested in attending future on-line programs. The primary negative is the absence of socializing with other community members. From here the agent has begun planning traditional classes for fall and winter, with the option of on-line if necessary due to interference caused by the COVID19 pandemic.
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