Success StoryOnline During Covid 19
Online During Covid 19
Author: Terri Spriggs
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Covid 19 hit in and all in person groups came to a halt. Looking for ways to reach my participants via online or Facebook became a challenge as many didn't have access or smart devices and the age barrier was also a factor.
Many other counties had NEP facebook pages so I set about setting up a Facebook Nutrition Education Program page for Nelson County.
Within the first 4 weeks alone, I had 513 followers like my page and I had a whopping reach of anywhere from 70 people a day to over 11,000 reached on some posts.
Our local NEP Facebook page has made awareness of our Nutrition Education program within our community more well known and people are learning who we are and what we actually do! And now they know we are located at the Nelson County Extension office. It has been a win/win for awareness and getting out healthy and nutritional messages and recipes to our community and beyond.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment