Author: Jonathan Oakes
Planning Unit: Russell County CES
Major Program: Woodland Education
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentucky is home to a vast amount of forest. The state is made up of 47% forest land and 78% of that is privately owned. Russell County is home to 91,263 acre of forest land with 75% privately owned. Russell County has also always had a strong forestry industry. The woodlands webinar series was held in conjunction with UK Forestry Dept. via webinar. During the course of the classes a total of 20 went through all or part of the series. The webinar series allowed participants from private land owners to Master Loggers to further their education on woodlands and the management of highly productive forestry systems. Attends ranged from land owners with 200 acres of woodlands to 5 acres.
88% of participants know who to contact with questions about their woodlands as a result of the webinars
50% of participants plan to contact a forestry professional
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