Success StoryUsing Social Media to Increase Interest in Horticulture
Using Social Media to Increase Interest in Horticulture
Author: Jessica Bessin
Planning Unit: Mercer County CES
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
A timely monthly newsletter is a great way to provide information to clientele. Newsletters are used for advertising events that occur at the Extension office, in the community and other state wide events. A large part of the Mercer County Horticulture newsletter is comprised of timely topics for homeowners as well as commercial producers. However, as much as you plan these topics there are always surprises (insect, disease, and other samples) that occur throughout the month. Waiting till the following month’s newsletter is often too late to make a recommendation on how homeowners and commercial growers should handle these issues.
In order to reach clientele throughout the month with important information the Mercer County Horticulture Agent utilized the Mercer County Extension Office Facebook page that has 1,800 followers. As multiple questions on a certain topic or multiples of a diagnostic sample would come into the office, these were flagged for potential video topics.
One of the first videos that was released was on Japanese Beetles. The Mercer County Horticulture agent recorded footage of Japanese beetles and the damage they cause. They later voice over the video with information on Japanese beetles biology and how homeowners can manage them in their landscape. This initial video had 434 views. The Horticulture Agent went on to film videos on Soil Testing, UK Annual Bedding Plant Trial, Cutting Fruit Trees for Scion, Henbit vs. Purple Deadnettle, Starting Seeds, Proper Tree Planting, Gardening 101, and multiple Beekeeping videos. The popularity of these videos and the recent Covid19 outbreak led to the new Mercer County Horticulture Facebook page. This new Facebook page has led to an increased interest in the horticulture program.
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