Success StoryNeighborhood Kids
Neighborhood Kids
Author: Donna Fryman
Planning Unit: Fleming County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Developing Community Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Fleming County Homemakers have been a staple in the community for over 70 years. . The organization is continually working to recruit new members in an ever changing society. The Fleming County Homemaker Council decided to work on recruiting from the ground up by implementing a Jr. Homemakers club (for youth ages 9-18) in the county.
The County Vice President decided to work on a Junior Homemaker club. The Junior members chose the name of their club: Neighborhood Kids. The club met 6 times during the 2019-20 Homemaker year. The meetings were held at the Fleming County Extension Office on the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm. Each month there were different topics taught by various community leaders. Lessons included: Personal safety, Bread making, Basics of Beekeeping, Sewing, The goal of offering the Jr. Homemakers club was to instill a love for lifelong learning in the young participants as well as developing a mentorship between the Homemaker members and Jr. Homemaker members. For the past two years they have participated in a community service project of sewing tote bags or pillowcases that are filled with items to help home abound seniors in the community during the holiday season. This years session on personal safety was led by the County Sheriff. This was an excellent session. The parents that attended with the Jr. homemakers got as much out of the session as the members. The youth asked lots of questions. Two of the high school age members have served on the Homemaker council for two years. They serve as county chairmen and do an excellent job. It gives them leadership skills but also gives the older Homemakers input from the younger generation. The program has been a great success with 14 members. The Homemakers look forward to continuing and growing the Jr. Homemaker program in the years ahead.
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