Success StoryPike 4-H Members Get A Reality Check
Pike 4-H Members Get A Reality Check
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Life Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Our economy has been declining and high paying jobs are few since many coal mines closed. There is a need for youth to prepare for the future. A 4-H Alum, Amber Collins stated, "I realized real quickly that I didn't have enough money for health insurance, so I had to end up buying the generic food brands". Several years ago, Amber was involved in the 4-H Reality Store and she stated, “It was a reality check for me!” Now as a 4-H volunteer, Amber is helping youth with this life skills simulation, preparing them for employable and success futures.
One hundred and eight 4-H members visited the Pike County Extension Office for the 4-H Reality Store. Thirty adult and teen 4-H Leaders conducted the event. A random survey of high school sophomores and juniors, alums of the Reality Store, was conducted to determine the impact of the program. Of those that were in the program, and the youth stated the follow. Of those surveyed, 92% stated that they saw a relationship between their grades and their future salary, 68% saw a need to budget money, 76% saw the need to stay in school and 68% realized the cost of raising a child. This program has been added to the Pikeville City School curriculum. The county school system did the same and conducts the program through the Family Resource Centers. The local newspaper with a circulation of 8,000 weekly covered the event and published a news release of the event. In 4-H, we are preparing the youth for the workforce and making the best, better!
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