Success Story4-H Holds Virtual Communications Event
4-H Holds Virtual Communications Event
Author: Lawrence Caudle
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
COVID-19 has affected every corner of our Nation and the University of Kentucky’s Cooperative Extension Service is no exception. Due to COVID-19, the Extension Service as a whole has moved a number of programs to video format and this goes for the Jefferson County 4-H Youth Development Program as well. One of the major programs the 4-H Program offers, the Communications Public Speaking Event, was held virtually and it was a great success. The Communications Program allows youth, ages 9-18, to participate in learning how to prepare a written speech or develop a demonstration with a topic of their choosing. From there, the youth participants will learn how to deliver their speech or demonstration within a specific time period in order to prepare for the County Communications Event. The youth participants will work with their teachers, parents, and 4-H Staff to learn how to deliver their speech or demonstration effectively. Since the program was moved to a video format this year, technology was utilized to encourage social distancing but this also provided everyone with a learning curve. With the learning curve everyone was under, Jefferson County 4-H Staff, volunteers, and youth participants came together to make the virtual event work.
There were 31 participants in total who sent in videos based on different topics in the various categories; 27 of the participants received blue ribbons and 4 received red ribbons. Nine participants won grand champion in their categories and are now progressing to the State Communications Event which will also be held as a virtual competition where the participants will be sending their videos to be judged.
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