Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: 4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Life Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
A valued program in Muhlenberg County 4-H has repeatedly been the 4-H Communications Event. Youth are provided an opportunity to express themselves, build fundamental public speaking skills, gain confidence, and foster mastery by learning how to effectively communicate. At the end of February over 875 youth completed a 4-H demonstration. Come March, twenty youth were registered for the county level event. COVID-19 pandemic struck, canceling the scheduled in-person event. Knowing the importance of such an experience, extension staff provided a virtual 4-H communications event utilizing technology. Seventeen youth participated in the first ever virtual contest. Eleven youth advanced on to the area level contest. From there, each participant respectively won their categories and advanced on to the state level contest. Even in the times of concern, confusion, and chaos, 4-Hers put forth the extra work and adapted to a new situation. Public speaking can be one of the most valuable and feared forms of communication, witnessing youth overcome their personal fears and evolving into a confident speaker is a joyful experience that we are proud to provide to Muhlenberg County Youth through 4-H programs.
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The migrant youth day camp was designed to provide a safe and inclusive space for young individuals ... Read More
The 4-H Baking Day camp was carefully crafted to nurture the participants creativity and enhance the... Read More