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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryAgriculture & Natural Resources Program

Agriculture & Natural Resources Program

Author: Meagan Klee

Planning Unit: Casey County CES

Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education

Plan of Work: Enhancing Personal Development through Leadership and Healthy Life Skills and Practices

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

With a vacancy in our ANR Agent position, we strive to provide educational programs for our

community and its members.

Tree Farmer of the Year

In December, Billy Thomas invited me to attend a tree farm visit at the Taylor Family Farm. The Taylor

County Farm was in the running to be awarded Tree Farmer of the Year.

We were informed in the spring that the Taylor Family had won and that they will host a field day in the

Fall. I will be working with Billy Thomas, Doug McLaren, Jerry Little (Boyle Co. ANR), and the Taylor

Family to plan a field day for October 9th, 2018.  

Kentucky Bird Workshop

In living in a rural setting, many Casey Countians have backyards that provide great habitats for local


Tractor Supply Company had a surplus of various styles and shapes of bird feeders and supplies which

were donated to the Casey County 4-H program. In search of a program they could be used for the

Horticulture Agents in Pulaski and Taylor County were contacted for resources. A bird enthusiast by the

name of Wendy Burt from Adair County was contacted to present a workshop on how to create a

healthy and sustaining bird habitat in one’s own backyard. Wendy brought her own experience and

expertise to the workshop.

A total of 15 people attended the workshop and found it greatly beneficial. Each participant had the

opportunity to choose a bird feeder from the donations; each person left with about 5 bird feeders/bird

seed/equipment to add to/begin building their own bird habitat. All attendees were responsive and

gracious for the program being offered in our community.

Apple Tree Grafting Class

A community member expressed interest in having a tree grafting class. As we have had Greg Whitis, ANR/4-H Agent in McCreary, presented tree grafting classes in the past he was approached about presenting.

A total of 13 community members (youth & adults) attended an Apple Tree Grafting Class. Greg provided a great deal of information on the grafting process and steps to take to make it successful. The majority of attendees grafted at least three trees (of various varieties). Several purchased additional scion to graft more trees.

Sometime after the program a few community members had said their grafting had taken and they were growing apple trees. We plan to have tree grafting classes/workshops every two years.

Stories by Meagan Klee

Fun & Fitness Walking Path - Phase Two

about 7 months ago by Meagan Klee

“In Kentucky, 25.5% of youth ages 10-17 have obesity, giving Kentucky a ranking of 2 among the 5- st... Read More

23-24 Casey Health Ambassador Program

about 7 months ago by Meagan Klee

The Casey County 4-H Program in collaboration with the University of Kentucky Robert Wood Johnson Fo... Read More

Stories by Casey County CES

Fun & Fitness Walking Path - Phase Two

about 7 months ago by Meagan Klee

“In Kentucky, 25.5% of youth ages 10-17 have obesity, giving Kentucky a ranking of 2 among the 5- st... Read More

23-24 Casey Health Ambassador Program

about 7 months ago by Meagan Klee

The Casey County 4-H Program in collaboration with the University of Kentucky Robert Wood Johnson Fo... Read More