Success StoryEducational Kits during a Pandemic
Educational Kits during a Pandemic
Author: Amanda Hardy
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With a pandemic on our hands, finding ways to reach our clientele has taken some planning and preparing. While remote working the FCS agent and FCS assistant in Henderson County decided to offer packaged program kits weekly. Letting individuals know about the program through Facebook post and local radio spots we have gone through over 150 bags each week. The first program was the Get Fit Kentucky where individuals received bands, water bottles and information on the walking challenge through the UK get fit app. We reached over 2000 individuals on Facebook. The next week we offered the cooking through the calendar which included the SNAP calendar with recipes and cooking utensils. The participates were encouraged to post photos of their dishes. A few had stated that they are cooking through each recipe in the calendar. That week we reached over 3500 individuals on Facebook and listening to radio over 20,000 in the listening area. The next week we did a gardening bag which included gloves, seeds and the gardening calendars. We reached 2700 individuals on this educational kit.
We have received numerous post stating that participates are so glad that we are offering programs that they can do at home right now and are enjoying sharing them with their children and grandchildren. We will continue to offer educational program throughout the summer while we are all working remotely and practicing social distancing. We will be adding a qr code that linking to the evaluations so that participants can tell us what they are learning.
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