Success StoryExtension Take Out Bags of All Sorts
Extension Take Out Bags of All Sorts
Author: Chelsey Anderson
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, staff at the Cumberland County Extension Office wondered how they were going to reach clientele. After seeing and hearing about other counties offering to-go bags with all sorts of activities in them, the Family and Consumer Science and Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents along with the SNAP-ED assistant decided to give them a try. The first bags (20) were prepared on March 30th for no contact pick up on the office porch. Each week since, the staff have prepared 20 bags a week for first come first serve. They have ranged from food items to prepare, seeds to sow, various crafts (coffee canisters, toilet paper bird feeders, wreaths, etc.), recipes to try, financial lessons, etc. These bags have also expanded to include two day cares (Little Panthers and Headstart), Early Childhood Learning, Burkesville Manor (senior facility), HANDS, and Gardening Bags. The daycares was a series of three weeks with little books from Noodle Company included (Farmers Market, Choose MyPlate, and Fruit & Veggie ABCs). The Gardening bags were a one and done deal that was in early May. The Gardening bags consisted of plants, all kinds of publications on gardening and nutrition, a photo book of SNAP recipes, and the SNAP-ED gardening calendars. Some of the feedback we have received from these bags are: “Childs Name” enjoyed his AG bag. Our seed heart has been planted and watered. Thanks for the wonderful things you all do for the community.; “We have enjoyed our AG in a Bag ?? Our seed heart has been planted and watered. Thank you for these wonderful projects!!”; “My coffee can is now a flower holder.”; “We have enjoyed this project ?? thank you Cumberland County Extension Office for the butterfly kit!”; “Sure enjoyed the bread and yeast experiment. Looking forward to sharing with the grands! Thanks for the challenges!”, just to name a few. Overall, from March 30th to May 26th, we have organized and packed 180 take out bags for pickup on Mondays, 20 Gardening Bags, 140 daycare bags, along with the others. Just for the Monday take out bags, we have touched 129 direct contacts and 472 indirect contacts (some of the contacts are repeated from week to week).
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