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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryEarth Week Celebration

Earth Week Celebration

Author: Cortney Moses

Planning Unit: Whitley County CES

Major Program: Arts Engagement

Plan of Work: Arts and Creativity

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Environmental awareness is an extremely important topic and Earth Day is a great opportunity to spread climate education as well as many other environmental stewardship topics within the community. This year’s Earth Day celebration was quite different than years past. With the Covid-19 pandemic at a critical point the Whitley County extension office needed to improvise. The Extension Fine Arts Agent, Cortney Moses, has always strived to make the celebration a community partnership and this year was no different. Many local organizations contributed, including the Whitley County Health department, Whitley County Farmers Market, Save the Children, Whitley County Conservation District, and more. The Whitley County Extension office team was able to pitch in with program material from every area. The Agriculture and Natural resources program sourced more than 200 trees to be given away as well as natural resource guides and calendars, Fine Arts provided 150 earth awareness books for youth and adults, 4-H provided bags and put together online educational resources, and Family and Consumer Sciences and EFNEP packed in nutritional education along with tools for cooking and physical activity. Although everyone was unable to set up their booths and engage with the public as in years past we were given the opportunity to work together in new ways. With this challenge we found new strengths within our office as well as reaching a new audience in the community that has not been reached before through the Earth Day program.

Altogether, 150 families where reached through free Earth Day learning and activity bags. Bags were handed out at the extension office following CDC guidelines. The bags included rain gauges, seeds, eco-friendly arts activities, cooking utensils and farm fresh recipes, pedometers, online education resources for family learning and environmental awareness, over 200 trees, and much more!

Stories by Cortney Moses

Elevating Arts Programming at the Kentucky Volunteer Forum

about 8 months ago by Cortney Moses

The Kentucky Volunteer Forum (KVF), a developmental and educational conference for 4-H and Extension... Read More

Empowering Artists: Whitley County's Open Ceramics Studio

about 8 months ago by Cortney Moses

The Whitley County community had a expanding interest in ceramics, evidenced by the high demand for ... Read More

Stories by Whitley County CES

Shared-Use Equipment Program

Shared-Use Equipment Program

about 7 months ago by Benjamin Prewitt

The Whitley County Cooperative Extension Service noticed a major restriction for a lot of folks in... Read More

"Breaking Barriers: Empowering the Hispanic Community through Bilingual Agricultural Education"

"Breaking Barriers: Empowering the Hispanic Community through Bilingual Agricultural Education"

about 8 months ago by Laura Rogers

The problem is the lack of accessibility to agricultural education for the Hispanic community in Whi... Read More