Success StoryExtension Programs to Go
Extension Programs to Go
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Plan of Work: Financial Management, Soft Skill Development, Human Development, Sustainable Environments
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Covid-19 safety measures brought a halt to traditional FCS programming in Meade County. However, the need for information and nonbiased resources was greater than ever. In addition to answering phone calls on topics such as food safety and sanitation, FCS created weekly Extension Programs to Go. Each week a new topic was introduced with packets being placed in the foyer area of the Extension office. Topics included Green Cleaning, 30 Day meal plans, the Farmers' Market, Beginning Gardening and Exercise Wise to name a few.. The packets included basic information on the topic as well as an incentive item such as a spray bottle, spatula, NEP Farmers' Market kit or gardening gloves. Small promotional canisters of hand wipes were also included along with a general information sheet on how to contact each agent and the EFNEP assistant in the Meade County office. The kits were a hit! Based on the pick up sheet, 70% of those picking up the kits were not previous extension program participants. To advertise kits, topics were announced each Friday with information being distributed through Facebook, print media in weekly columns and radio. On occasion the FCS agent did a live Mevo posting on Facebook to talk about the topic. Over 2000 people viewed the posting. More programs will follow and will include topics such as mindfulness, food preservation and others as requested or as the need arises. Plans now also include continuing to offer this educational format when the doors open and as the topic allows.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment