Success StoryGoogle Classroom - From the Soil to the Plate
Google Classroom - From the Soil to the Plate
Author: Chelsey Anderson
Planning Unit: Cumberland County CES
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Plan of Work: Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
After many discussions with the Family and Consumer Science agent, it was decided that we needed to offer some educational programming on an online platform. Currently the Family and Consumer agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources agent, and SNAP-ED assistant were organizing take out bags for folks to pick up once a week with activities in them, but this would be for a different group of clientele. With that, it was determined that we would do two online series through Google Classroom. The first she would be geared around family and consumer sciences, Family Meals, and the second would be geared towards agriculture, From the Soil to the Plate. A curriculum was designed with PowerPoints (with voice over), worksheets, resources, and evaluations and uploaded to the classroom platform. Participants called the office to enroll and then received an email invitation. In total, 14 individuals signed up for the From the Soil to the Plate series. This series contains four lessons, container gardening, harvesting, storing, and preservation. For the first session, 10 have completed the evaluation and the largest group of participants indicated that before the course they had an expertise level of container gardening of a beginner or no knowledge (60%). After completing the course, the largest group indicated that now they have an above average or expert expertise level (60%). 90% of students also indicated that the lesson motivated them to implement some of the tools learned at home. 100% of students that completed the evaluation indicated the lesson provided them the tools to continue operations at home.
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