Success StoryFood Preservation Workshop
Food Preservation Workshop
Author: Catherine Jansen
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Food Preservation
Plan of Work: Nutrition
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Food Preservation
According to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and the Department of Food Banks, “Food insecurity is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Using county data from the five-year period of 2010 to 2014, the study reveals that 17 percent of the population in Kentucky is food insecure – 743,310 people, including 222,380 children. This year’s report found that nearly 17 percent, or approximately one in six people, in Kentucky struggles with hunger at some point during the year. This is higher than the national rate of nearly 15 percent.” In 2015, the food insecurity rate in Carroll County was 16.8% or approximately 1,820 people.
Being a rural county, many families have the opportunity to raise gardens or shop at the local farmers market. Raising your own fruits and vegetables helps you eat healthier and keep your food cost down. Home canning offers you the chance to completely control the quality of ingredients that you put in your foods. It is a reliable method of preserving your own food for long-term storage and gives you access to food all year round. It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. It also teaches life skills to pass down to your next generation.
In conjunction with the University of Kentucky, two Extension Specialist from the School of Environmental Sciences came to the Carroll County Extension office to teach a three day Food Preservation Workshop. Thirteen participants were reached through the program including two male, one Hispanic, one Portuguese, one African-American and one youth.
During the workshop, participants learned the importance of the quality of food you choose to preserve, the need for safe food handling and how to prevent food spoilage. Through hands on participation, each participant was able to process green beans, make salsa, freeze corn, dry apples and make freezer jam. The Rivers View Farmers Market donated some of the supplies. This was a good marketing opportunity for the farmers. Several of the participants in the program purchased produce from the market on various occasions.
Participants learned the difference between low acid and high acid foods and the proper canning techniques for each. Their confidence level increased when using food preservation skills. They also felt more comfortable handling food preservation equipment.
After completing this program, all of the participants were able to demonstrated recommended food preservation practices and said they have a better understanding of skills in home food preservation methods.
Upon completing the program participants reported canning 241 pints of fruits and vegetables using the water bath canning process, 319 pints of fruits and vegetables using a pressure canner, freezing 186 pints of fruits and vegetables, and drying 16 pints of fruit.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment