Success StoryKentucky Volunteer Forum 2020
Kentucky Volunteer Forum 2020
Author: Jennifer Cole
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Volunteers play integral roles in 4-H programs, performing a variety of duties, functions, and tasks and possessing varied and rich knowledge, skills, and backgrounds (Radhakrishna & Ewing, 2011). Education is critical in preparing volunteers for the role they accepted and should be designed to enhance their knowledge and skills (Kerka, 2003).
The Kentucky Volunteer Forum (KVF) was held on February 13-15, 2020. The KVF is held every other year and is great resource for Extension agents to use to send their county volunteers to educate them on volunteering and exposing them to new and creative programming to take back to their counties. This year, 180 educational workshops were offered in 13 diverse tracks such as Livestock, Horse, Horticulture, Crafts, Family & Consumer Science, Club Basics & Leadership, Fine Arts/Visual Arts, Other Animals, SET/Natural Resources, Camp, Communications, Performing Arts, Cloverbuds, Health, and Teen Programming.
Pulaski County took its largest delegation this year with a total of 13 delegates. Of the 13, only two were returning participants of the KVF, for the remaining 11 delegates, this was their first time attending. These volunteers took workshops related to photography, shooting sports, live stocks, fine arts, FCS, horticulture and club management. Two of our volunteers received their livestock recertification hours by attending livestock workshops. Our trap team coach attended the conference to take the shooting sports workshops where he learned from other volunteers across the state some activities to do during their practices and how to host a county shoot. Our photography club leader, who is a new volunteer to 4-H this year, attended to familiarize himself with 4-H photography guidelines and other subject areas.
A new opportunity was offered this year, Volunteer Accreditation and Master Volunteer Accreditation. Pulaski County had two volunteers receive their Master Accreditation, one in Horticulture and the other in Fine Arts. A third volunteer received a subject volunteer accreditation in Fine Arts and Horticulture. Two of these volunteers are Master Gardeners in Pulaski County and will be volunteering with 4-H to get their some of their volunteer hours for the Master Gardener Program.
Also new this year was having the 4-H Leadership Boot Camp (LBC) occur during the KVF. Pulaski County had one teen attend and complete the LBC.
Pulaski County had two 4-H members receive the 10 Year Member award.
The 2020 KVF was a success for Pulaski County. The attendees had the opportunity to connect and learn from volunteers from across the state of Kentucky. It was also a time of fellowship for them. Some of the volunteers had not met one another and it was a great opportunity for them to get to know their fellow 4-H volunteers in Pulaski County.
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