Success StorySimplify My Life
Simplify My Life
Author: Catherine Jansen
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Plan of Work: Nurturing Families
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In January 2020, the Northern Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences agents planned the upcoming year and conducted the winter Extension Homemaker “Learn with Us” lesson event titled, “Simplify Your Life”. Almost 100 Extension Homemakers from Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Kenton, Gallatin, Grant, Owen and Pendleton Counties descended on the Boone County Enrichment Center to learn new strategies to reduce food waste, minimize clutter, speed cleaning, organizing, minimizing digital clutter, and detangleing relationships.
As these ladies continue to increase in age, they are ready to learn how to make life simpler and declutter their life. This will also help them with financial savings.
Three months after the event a post survey was sent out to the participants. Fifty two responded. Out of the ones responding, 89% said they had reduced spending on items they did not need, with an average savings per person of $184 over a 3 month period. 91% said they had donated unused items to a local charity averaging $282 per person. 70% said they had organized their financial records and 80% said they had adopted one or more speed cleaning techniques.
71% of the respondents said they had established three or more goals for their life such as "organizing papers and items better, finishing projects, less hoarding, cleaning house in general."
The class on "Decluttering" was taught by the Carroll County FCS agent.
Stories by Catherine Jansen
Simplify My Life
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