Success Story#Growyourown Garden Packets
#Growyourown Garden Packets
Author: Lori Bowling
Planning Unit: Boyd County CES
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Plan of Work: Best Management Practices in Home Horticulture
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In February the Boyd County Master Gardeners made up 850 grab bags of garden seed that had been donated by the local Rural King store for a large tri-state Home and Garden Show that is host to over 50 vendors and approximately 75,000 visitors during the 3 day event. Due to the COVID-19 crisis and the cancellation of this event, the extension office was left with all of these grab bags full of seed and no events were being held to hand them out. With spring garden season only a month away and many residents starting to call in for information about vegetable gardening, the horticulture agent and the Snap-ED program assistant decided to put together garden packets with the seed grab bags, recipe cards, gardening information and other items for children if any were in the household. In order to gather information a Qualtrics survey was developed to capture an idea of what the crops would be used for, their family, a local church food pantry, food preservation, etc. There were also questions about if there were children in the household and their ages, if they had disabilities that required assistance with gardening, and if they currently received any food assistance from any of the government programs. This project and survey were posted on Facebook and within 9 days there were 1,000 surveys completed with that many #Growyourown packets mailed out to various residences all over Kentucky as well as a few in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, West Virginia and Michigan. Many of the recipients have already started posting pictures on Facebook of how thankful they are for their packets and how the garden seed as well as all the gardening information and recipes will help them this year in light of being laid off from work during the pandemic crisis and a few have shared pictures of using their seeds to plant the gardens. In September we plan to follow up with all 1,000 recipients with how the packets helped them financially and with their daily meal planning and diets.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment