Author: Samantha Anderson
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Grain Crops
Plan of Work: Increasing Agriculture Awareness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Traditionally, the winter months provide a pause in activity for Kentucky producers. Seeing a need to effectively utilize this time to provide educational opportunities to producers in McCracken County, Samantha Anderson, Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent, hosted the inaugural McCracken County Winter School program.
The month-long program covered topics including tobacco, grain crops, beef cattle and machinery management. Program presenters included University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service specialists, industry representatives and federal agency leaders. Additionally, each session was sponsors by a local, corresponding agricultural business. Representatives from each business were present throughout to interact with participants. When applicable, required certification for specific industries were completed as a result of the session.
Overall, the program had approximately forty participants. At the conclusion of each program, a discussion was held to gather topics for upcoming Winter School sessions. All participants and partnering agricultural business detailed their appreciation for new, relevant programming in McCracken County.
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