Success Story2019 Regional Beef Field Day

2019 Regional Beef Field Day

Author: Levi Berg

Planning Unit: Clark County CES

Major Program: Beef

Plan of Work: Henry County Livestock Production

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Henry County, like many other former tobacco dependent counties, has had a renewed push towards beef production. According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Henry County has nearly $1,000,000 in beef animal sales yearly, so the Henry County Extension Office joined with the Oldham County Extension Office, Shelby County Extension Office, and Trimble County Extension Office to host the 2018 Regional Beef Field Day. The 2018 Regional Beef Field Day was held at Carlile Acres in Shelby County, KY, and speakers included 4 beef extension specialist, 4 local producers, and beef organization respresentatives. This field day covered marketing opportunities for cattle producers along with production updates dealing with feeding practices and health. Nearly 200 cattle producers attended this event. A plethora of information was given in just a short 4 hour period, but numerous cattle producers exclaimed how they received extremely relevant information that they are looking to implement immediately. Along with pulling together the large amount of information, the four extension offices also included their county cattlemen’s associations, over 13 volunteers from the 4 counties, to promote comradery and promote across county-line programs to assist as many cattle producers as possible.

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