Success StoryStudents learn to grow and eat broccoli and cauliflower
Students learn to grow and eat broccoli and cauliflower
Author: Glen Roberts
Planning Unit: Wayne County CES
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Plan of Work: Wellness in Wayne County
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Collaborators: Pre-school and kindergarten students, teachers, teaching assistants, school principal, school resource center, ANR agent, Glen Roberts, ANR assistant, Ashley DeBord, FCS assistant , Cassie Munsey, Master Gardener volunteers, VoAg instructor, Justin Horton VoAg and students.
Situation: Walker Early Learning Center learned of opportunity to apply for a Lowe`s grant to install raised bed gardens for each of the 15 classrooms to use. They sought the expertise of the ANR agent who has more than 40 years experience growing commercial vegetables. He designed and installed 15 raised beds that were 4 feet by 8 feet. After two years of successfully growing broccoli, cauliflower and peas in the beds the ANR agent observed that 3 feet by 12 feet would be a better fit for the pre-school and kindergarten classrooms. He modified the 15 beds to make them 3 feet by 12 feet in size and installed landscape fabric between the beds to eliminate mowing around the beds. He grew broccoli and cauliflower plants to be used in the project. Each pre-school student was able to transplant their own broccoli plant and each kindergarten student was able to transplant their own cauliflower plant. This was done with the assistance of the ANR assistant, Master Gardener volunteers and Vocational Agriculture students. The ANR agent watered the plants when necessary and sprayed them for insects twice during the growing season. Students and teachers did some weeding when needed. The ANR agent harvested the broccoli and cauliflower to be used in a classroom demonstration. The ANR assistant and Master Gardener volunteers prepared broccoli, cauliflower, English muffins, shredded cheese, and ranch dressing to be used in the demonstration. Each student received a paper plate and a ziplock bag with cups of these ingredients to make their very own broccoli pizza. The ANR assistant gave the students instructions how to assemble their broccoli pizza. She was assisted by the teachers, teaching assistants and Master Gardener volunteers. Each student created their own broccoli pizza and most tasted it. For some it was their first time eating broccoli or cauliflower. Reactions were mixed , but many liked it. We did a brief nutrition lesson and recipe cards were given to the teachers to be sent home with the students. The ANR agent composed The Broccoli Song and the Cauliflower Song to traditional melodies and taught the songs to the students. Students learn and retain the nutrition facts better when they are in a song they learn to sing.
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