Success StorySewing and Quilting gives confidence and success!
Sewing and Quilting gives confidence and success!
Author: Ruth Chowning
Planning Unit: Bullitt County CES
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In today’s technologically advanced society, basic life skills such as sewing has become a lost art. “Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization. Additionally, sewing encourages creative ability and personalization of household items. The Bullitt County Cooperative Extension Service Family & Consumer Science Agent presented 5 hands-on sewing programs in the past 3 months to 20 adults and 15 youth.
Youth participants have learned basic sewing skills on how to thread a machine, how to sew a straight line, how to read a pattern, how to purchase supplies for constructing a garment, how to lay out and cut a garment, how to sew a pillows and make a miniature quilt. During the process, 50% of the parents reported their children were able to thread a machine and sew at home. Two parents reported to me that their child considered the 4H Sewing club the highlight of their month and looked forward to coming each time. 100% of participants learned a new skill and and 100% will continue to participate in sewing club to learn more and sharpen their skills.
Six adult participants created a wall hanging learning the paper piecing method. 66% of the participants reported paper piecing in the past where the project was a failure. At the end of the class, 83 % reported they would paper piece again. 100 % stated they had learned a new method which was accurate, easier and ended in a quality project. 100% reported that their overall satisfaction with the sewing techniques taught and project outcome exceeded their expectations greatly. Two stated this was the best class they had taken in a long time and they were so excited to learn this new skill set and the correct way to paper piece.
Eighteen adult participants attended a T-shirt quilt making class for 2 days. 25% were new to clients to Extension. 20% had attempted a T shirt quilt in the past and were unhappy with it. 90% reported this class was to help them create a quilt they were going to use as a gift. 50% were new or novice quilters. Once the 2 classes were taught, 90% were excited with the outcome and the new method taught. All participants who were not novice sewers reported they were confident to enough to make another T shirt quilt on their own. After the classes and 2 additional work days, 50% completed their quilts. As they sent in pictures of their completed quilts, a sense of pride, accomplishment and a new skill set could be seen by their huge smiles!
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