Success StoryExtension On The Move
Extension On The Move
Author: Linda Hieneman
Planning Unit: Greenup County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Creating awareness of the impact of agriculture on daily life and developing marketable skills for
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Extension programming has been suddenly required to shift from face-to-face contact with clientele to a mostly digital communication platform due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Greenup County office has made significant changes to the way in which we connect with our community. While we have embraced the technology that allows us to connect with people using the internet, we recognize that not all of our Extension program consumers have the capability or the desire to use technology every day in their home lives. As an office team, we are striving to keep our current clientele connected to our programming efforts while continuing to reach out to new Extension users.
As an office team, we have implemented the “Extension on the Move” program that is made available to the public in hard copy format. This program is made up of information and activity packets that represent all four of our program areas in Greenup County: Agriculture/Natural Resources, Family & Consumer Science, 4-H Youth Development, and Fine Arts. Each activity/lesson has components for youth, adults, and things that families can do together while they are being “healthy at home”. Our goal is to identify areas of our programming that can reach out using a digital platform such as videos and social media while keeping traditional educational practices going in ways that make people feel comfortable, creative, and connected.
Stories by Linda Hieneman
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Extension on the Move
Extension programming has been suddenly required to shift from face-to-face contact with clientele t... Read More
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment