Author: Nanette Banks
Planning Unit: Letcher County CES
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Plan of Work: Healthy People, Healthy Economy
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses, the Quicksand Area Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agents hosted The Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show- Managing Holiday Expenses: How to Reduce Spending to Decrease Financial Stress program for participants in the 8 county area and for those that watched the program on their local cable network. Participants also learned during this program inexpensive ways to decorate, how to create hand-made items for gift-giving and how to make holiday foods on a budget. A total of 256 consumers participated in the workshops with an approximate of 88,000 other individuals watching the video on two local cable networks.
Participants were surveyed following the class with the following results:
A three-month follow-up survey was sent out to all participants with the following results:
Some comments made from Letcher County attendees were:
“l learned how to make a budget and stay with it”
“Gives instruction on how to make items so I can make them for gifts and save money”
“I enjoy the fellowship with all the homemakers and look forward to attending each year. I am open to learning new things and new ideas on how to be a better manager of homemaking skills, finances, etc.”
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