Success StoryForage Demo Pasture Walk
Forage Demo Pasture Walk
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Planning Unit: Calloway County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Beef Cattle Production
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Forage Demo plotsThis past summer the Calloway County Extension office assisted local beef producer Odom Farms in hosting a warm season summer annual demonstration plot. Odom Farms is a participant in the state wide Beef IRM program that assist farmers increase their reproductive profitability, they are currently the only participants in the purchase region. Upon the initial evaluation of their cowherd it was determined that they needed to increase their body condition scores significantly over the summer in order to be able to breed back efficiency. A warm season annual planting was suggested as a viable option to increase the quantity and quality of available summer forages. Dr. Teutsch helped to set up the parameters of the demonstration using three separate stands. Stand one was comprised of straight pearl millet, stand two of sudex, and the final stand was a combination of pearl millet, sudex, corn and soybeans. The demonstration was very successful, and on average the BCS of the mature cows was raised 2 levels. On August 17th the Calloway Extension office hosted a pasture walk, and Dr. Teutsch taught about some of the different components of the demonstration and the intermediate results. 100% of the participants stated that they plan to change an on farm practice because of the information provided at the pasture walk.
Stories by Matthew Chadwick

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For the past year I have had the pleasure of assisting several of our key stakeholders in feeling co... Read More

Forage Field Day
This past August Calloway County extension assisted state specialist, state NRCS and conservation di... Read More
Stories by Calloway County CES

Calloway County Farm Bureau ZOOM
For the past year I have had the pleasure of assisting several of our key stakeholders in feeling co... Read More

Forage Field Day
This past August Calloway County extension assisted state specialist, state NRCS and conservation di... Read More
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