Success StoryManners To Go
Manners To Go
Author: Audrey Myers
Planning Unit: Taylor County CES
Major Program: Creating and Maintaining Family Traditions
Plan of Work: Youth and Adults Overcome Life Situations by Acquiring Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Teaching children manners, character and social emotional skills are very important. Manners are a skill that needs to be taught to children of all ages. These skills provide a way for children to be confident in every aspect of their lives. The Taylor County Extension Agent provided the “Manners to Go” program for the BRANCH after school program at Taylor County Primary School. This program focuses on reading and math skills, good nutrition, community and life skills. Manners to Go was a weekly program focusing on table manners, first impressions and communication skills. 60 children were involved in the program. As a result of the program 100% of the children learned how to set a table and place setting, learned how to introduce themselves to adults, and learned how important eye contact is. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the program was cut short and we were not able to complete the program in its entirety. The teachers raved about how much this program was needed and will be continued next year.
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