Success StoryPlate It Up Kentucky Proud

Plate It Up Kentucky Proud

Author: Audrey Myers

Planning Unit: Taylor County CES

Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

Plan of Work: Improving the Health and Quality of Life for all Taylor County Citizens

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

30% to 35% of Kentucky adults are considered obese (CDC Adult Obesity Prevalence Map of 2015) and according to the Kentucky County Healthcare Profiles adults in Taylor County have an obesity rate of 32.9%. Only 4 in 10 Kentucky adults report excellent or a very good diet and 39% of Kentucky adults do not meet either the fruit or vegetable recommendations.The Taylor County Extension Council revealed that direct education in grocery stores utilizing Plate it Up Kentucky Proud was an avenue for impacting change in eating habits.  The intent of the Plate It Up Kentucky Proud program is to collectively combat obesity by targeting increased fruit and vegetable consumption through broader access from locally grown Kentucky Proud producers. The Taylor County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent conducted the Plate It Up Kentucky Proud recipe sampling in two grocery stores from July 2017 to April 2018  Over 550 youth and adult consumers sampled Plate It Up Kentucky Proud recipes, gained knowledge of proper nutrition, received recipe cards, and often purchased featured fruits and vegetables to try the recipe at home. Consumers shared the following comments: “I like to find new ways of preparing fruits and veggies”, “It’s better than I thought”, “I love anything Kentucky Proud”, “I’ll make this for my next homemaker’s meeting”, “I never would have thought of preparing a cantaloupe like this; it’s delicious! (talking about the cantaloupe bread)”  The Plate It Up Kentucky Proud grocery sampling program made a positive impact on local consumers and brought attention to how healthy choices can be the easy choice when shopping. 

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