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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Success StoryStrategies for Tax Management

Strategies for Tax Management

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES

Major Program: Farm Management

Plan of Work: Planning for the Family and Farm

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Tax management is a crucial component of the active farm business as well as the farm business that is planning to cease operations. The Muhlenberg County Cooperative Extension Service worked with Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of  Agriculture Food and Environment Agricultural Economics Department to host an educational meeting to help beef cattle producers learn more about this topic. Twenty nine producers including seven wives were in attendance at the program. Topics discussed included equipment and livestock depreciation, income deferral, income averaging, and related topics.  A survey was utilized after the program to collect information as to whether they had gained knowledge or will have a behavioral change. Nineteen or 86% of the program participants completed surveys. Results showed that 14 or 74% of the respondents were 61 years old or older. Only two respondents or 11% of the respondents were in the 35-40 year age bracket. When asked who they utilize to help them with their taxes, fifteen or 79% of them responded that they use a local independent accountant. Four or 21% of the respondents utilized a company like H&R Block. Only eleven or 58% of the producers responded that their accountants or accounting company explains livestock and equipment depreciation to them. When asked how they would rate their knowledge regarding depreciation before the program, three rated themselves as poor, nine rated themselves as fair, four rated themselves as good and two rated themselves as very good. When asked how they would rate their knowledge regarding depreciation after the program, two rated themselves as poor, three rated themselves as fair, eight said their knowledge was better, four rated themselves as good and three rated themselves as very good. When asked how they would rate their knowledge regarding income deferral before the program, seven rated themselves as poor, seven rated themselves as fair, two rated themselves as good and two rated themselves as very good. When asked how they would rate their knowledge regarding income deferral after the program, two rated themselves as poor, four rated themselves as fair, nine said their knowledge was better, none rated themselves as good and two rated themselves as very good. Seven of the respondents said that they knew about income averaging before the program where as eleven did not know about income averaging. When asked if they would use income averaging after attending the program, fifteen people or 79% said that they would use income averaging if it benefited them. One producer that has recently retired from the cattle business came to me after the program and said " I see where I made some mistakes."

Stories by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Forage Management is Key to a Profitble Beef Business

about 6 years ago by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Feed is the number one cost associated with producing beef cattle. Therefore; forage management is a... Read More

Utilizing Improved Technology to Combat Resistant Weeds

about 6 years ago by Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Preparing grain crop producers to utilize dicamba based herbicides to combat problem weeds such as p... Read More

Stories by Muhlenberg County CES

Let’s Bake: Increasing food safety and baking knowledge with youth in the kitchen

Let’s Bake: Increasing food safety and baking knowledge with youth in the kitchen

about 5 years ago by Mackenzie Pogue

Preparing youth for success when baking was the goal of the Lets Bake program, a six-hour workshop p... Read More

Students Teaching Against Negative Decisions in Muhlenberg County

Students Teaching Against Negative Decisions in Muhlenberg County

about 5 years ago by Mackenzie Pogue

The Kentucky Incentives for Prevention (KIP) survey is administered every two years to eighth grade ... Read More