Success StoryPrepare to Care
Prepare to Care
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Planning Unit: Johnson County CES
Major Program: AARP Prepare to Care
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Preparing for later life experiences can be challenging. One of the best strategies is to prepare oneself to face possibilities that may lie ahead. Six participants participated in 4 lunch and learn sessions on "Prepare to Care", these sessions focused on the importance of building a network of supporters should they or someone they love, fall into a situation requiring care. Having a plan, being aware of categories of concern in order to take action, assembling a team, and opening up the dialogue between family members about the possibilities of needing care were all a part of the series. As a result of the program, all participants indicated they had become somewhat or well prepared to discuss possible care arrangements with a family member or friends, all indicated they had learned something about caring for others emotionally, physically, garnering support for them, and assembling a team. All indicated that they increased their understanding of preparing for caregiving. 80 percent indicated as a result of the program, they have already begun or plan to soon create a caregiving plan as well as to make a financial plans for possible long term care situations. One stated of the program that it " was timely given- having health issues and needed a way to record and plan for the future in the event of a health crisis. We are all growing older and need to be realistic for our own personal well being". (The lunch and learn featured Cooking through the Calendar recipes).
Stories by Brenda Cockerham

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Stories by Johnson County CES

Paint Creek Park Project-Bringing Hope
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Fall Seed Planting initiative
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