Success StoryCattlemen's Renewal

Cattlemen's Renewal

Author: Matthew Chadwick

Planning Unit: Calloway County CES

Major Program: Beef

Plan of Work: Beef Cattle Production

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Cattlemen's group met in the fall to discuss how to increase attendance at beef cattle related extension programs in Calloway County, normal attendance was running around 15 people. The group brain stormed about new topics and time of year for hosting meetings, and how to market those programs. The first meeting of 2020 that implemented those plans saw an increase in attendance of 200%. We are also hosting our first regional program in February and a state wide field day in the summer. 

Stories by Matthew Chadwick

Family Farm Summit

Family Farm Summit

about 5 months ago by Matthew Chadwick

The problem and planned program to respondFarmers of all disciplines recognize the need to plan for ... Read More

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New Master Gardener Service Project

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Stories by Calloway County CES

Family Farm Summit

Family Farm Summit

about 5 months ago by Matthew Chadwick

The problem and planned program to respondFarmers of all disciplines recognize the need to plan for ... Read More

New Master Gardener Service Project

New Master Gardener Service Project

about 5 months ago by Matthew Chadwick

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