Success StoryWilderness Trail Holiday Cooking School
Wilderness Trail Holiday Cooking School
Author: Lora Davidson
Planning Unit: Laurel County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Parenting
Plan of Work: Promote Safety, Health, Wellness and Good Nutrition
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Research shows that preparing and eating meals at home can have positive impact on families by strengthening family ties and leading to better physical and mental health. In an effort to encourage more families to make family mealtime a priority, Family & Consumer Science Agents in the Wilderness Trail Area organized and conducted a Wilderness Trail Area Holiday Cooking School focused on family meal preparation. 250 participants from the eight counties from the Wilderness Trail Area attended the cooking school. Each participant had the opportunity to sample recipes enabling participants to try new ways to prepare food. Participants also observed a presentation on favorite kitchen gadgets to help make cooking easier as well as modifying recipes to make them healthier. Agents also promoted the new FitBlu App and had an 8 week walking challenge. As a direct result of the program in a written evaluation:
92% learned new cooking techniques at the Holiday Cooking School
97% learned new recipes that they will use at home
98% learned ways to make traditional family recipes healthier
74% plan to make some of their traditional family recipes healthier
74% plan to incorporate more healthy options at their holiday meals
74% of the attendees had attended last year’s event
Of those …
73% of their families have created a new tradition since last year
74% of them have encouraged their family to participate in family traditions since last year.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment