Success Story2019 MG State Conference hosted in Jefferson county
2019 MG State Conference hosted in Jefferson county
Author: Stephen Lewis
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Urban Forestry
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Master Gardener state conference was hosted in Jefferson County for the first time at the Parklands of Floyd's Fork on September 18, 2019 - September 20, 2019, in the Gheens Foundation Lodge. The theme for this year's conference was Urban Parks and Gardens: Past, Present, and Future. Our featured speakers were Rick Darke and Tom Smarr, well-respected landscape design consultants. Both have worked together on the design of the Woodland Gardens at Broad Run Park at the Parklands and on the High Line in NYC. The conference was a huge success. We had over 160 Master Gardeners from almost every county in the State in attendance and a few from out of state! There were breakout sessions, scheduled tours of local parks designed by the guest speakers and an exclusive visit to the Waterfront Botanical garden before it had opened to the public. Dinner on the first night was catered by Mark's feed store and sponsored by Kentucky State University. Attendees of the conference received take-home gifts and door prizes. Everyone enjoyed the conference with many saying that it was the biggest and best one thus far. Master Gardener volunteers were instrumental and essential in the success of the event and all the hard work and hours of planning allowed the event to run smoothly without a hitch.
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