Author: Sheila Fawbush
Planning Unit: Shelby County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Shelby County Extension Homemakers is one of the largest civic and volunteer organizations in Shelby County with 235 members. Extension Homemakers work to improve the quality of life for their families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service and education.
There are four Shelby County Homemakers serving on the Louisville Area Homemaker Council and 15 serving on the Extension District Board or Extension Council. One Shelby County Homemaker has been selected to attend the Statewide Homemaker Leader Training Program. Eight homemakers are Master Clothing Volunteers. Five homemakers planned and taught four classes during homemaker week. Others have led a Beginning Quilting Series, a Plate It Up Cooking Club and a Sit and Knit group. The homemakers have donated over 100 winter clothing accessories to meet local needs and have provided food for the local food bank. Other homemakers coordinated a Craft Fair that raised over $2,000 for local animal groups. The homemakers continue to support A Place to Sleep with crocheted squares to be used for bed covers.
The impact of the Shelby County Homemakers is felt outside the county as they continued to provide two days of State Fair demonstrations on needlework skills and chair caning. Their fabric ornament classes were submitted to the State Homemakers as a class to be taught at the next State Homemaker Meeting. They provide leadership in the Cover Lovers, the Louisville Area Quilting group. Each year over 80 Shelby Countians participate in the Ovarian Cancer Screening Project. The Shelby County Homemakers sent an annual donation of $1,925.96 to help support this Project. The homemakers are even reaching out internationally as a homemaker club just completed sewing kangaroo pouches to send to Australia for their work in caring for orphaned kangaroos.
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