Success StorySparks Ignited!
Sparks Ignited!
Author: Patrice Thompson
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The 4-Hers at Western Middle School were invited to the Ignite Conference held at Kentucky State University during the Small Farms Conference on November 20, 2019. The Sparks Conference was designed using the Sparks Curriculum to help them identify and sharpen their unique talents and abilities. Middle schools from the Tri-State area were invited, and from Western 40 students participated. There was a total 251 participants, and all were given the opportunity to apply for a community service project grant. The grant will supply the winning school with $200-$500 towards a community service project of their choice that will benefit their school and/or community. This event was very impactful and challenged the participants to get out of their comfort zone. When we debriefed, the 4_hers told me that they enjoyed the experience and were eager to learn more about the community service project and possibly apply to the grant.
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