Success StoryHopkins County Fit Blue Challenge
Hopkins County Fit Blue Challenge
Author: Katherine Jury
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Fit Blue/Get Moving KY
Plan of Work: Improving Basic Lifeskills, Well-being, and Quality of Life
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Low levels of physical activity, unhealthy nutrition, and poor mental health are all determinants of several chronic diseases. These behaviors are now considered major public health concerns and require effective behaviour change interventions. Fit Blue is a community-based campaign to increase physical activity and health awareness in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Building physical activity into the day does not require special equipment or a certain location. As participants take part in Fit Blue, they have tools to transition to a more active lifestyle focusing on eating healthier, moving more, and practicing mindfulness.
A smartphone-based application (FitBlueKY) is a four-week walking challenge focused on increasing participant’s participation in regular physical activity, choosing a nutritious diet, and improving health outcomes for Kentucky citizens. As an innovative strategy to improve and increase movement with Hopkins County residents, the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent implemented a Fit Blue Challenge.
Through this program, participants focus on improving health behaviors by making lifestyle choices to increase physical activity and eat nutritious meals. Twelve adults participated in this program. As a result of this program, 100% became aware of the benefits of regular physical activity, 100% reported having gained the knowledge and skills to be physically activity, and 100% reported an increase in physical activity levels. Concerning overall health status, all participant noticed an improvement in one or more health indicator (cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, blood glucose).
At the completion of the program, participants reported walking a total of 4,116,225 steps!
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