Success StoryLocal Youth Learn Cooking Skills and Healthy Eating
Local Youth Learn Cooking Skills and Healthy Eating
Author: Mary Higginbotham
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In an effort to promote and increase fruit and vegetable consumption among local youth the Daviess County Cooperative Extension Service Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent partnered with the UK Nutrition Education Program to host the Super Star Chef program in August 2017. A total of 12 youth, 11 females and 1 male, ranging from 3rd grade to 7th grade participated in the program hosted at the Daviess County Cooperative Extension Office. Over a three day period, youth were engaged in hands-on learning opportunities focused on kitchen and utensil safety; how to read a recipe; proper cooking and food safety techniques; important nutrition facts; as well as dietary and physical activity information to assist the students in making good choices for an overall healthy lifestyle.
Pre- and post-test comparisons of participant responses indicated 100% of the participants agreed or strongly agreed they gained knowledge regarding the correct amount of fruits and vegetables they should have on their plate; the correct way to hold a knife for cutting; how to measure ingredients; how to read nutrition labels and recipes; and how germs can be transferred to food. The pre-test average score increased from 71% to a score of 93% on the post-test confirming an increase in knowledge gained. Additionally, 100% of participants reported they intend to eat more fruits and vegetables as a result of the program. A campus manager from the local Girls Inc. of Owensboro program stated, “Our girls enjoyed the program very much and we look forward to attending again next year.”
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