Success StoryFarm/City Breakfast event
Farm/City Breakfast event
Author: Jerry Little
Planning Unit: Boyle County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Leaders Develop and Expand Leadership Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Extension service partners with the local Farm Bureau Federation board to highlight agriculture in our community. This year's event was held in July and 135 attended. Last year there was approximately 65% of the attendees that were not involved in the agriculture industry. This year we made a conscious effort to have more of the people involved in agriculture attend. Newsletters,radio programs, personal phone calls, and making presentations to our ag groups seemed to increase our agriculture participation. As a result this years event had 60% of the attendees were from the agriculture community. Mr. Mark Haney, President of Kentucky Farm Bureau was the key note speaker for the event.
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