Success Story2019 Farm Field Day

2019 Farm Field Day

Author: Keith Center

Planning Unit: Elliott County CES

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

2019 Farm Field Day

A Farm Field Day was hosted by the Elliott County Agriculture Council, Cooperative Extension Agent for ANR Keith Center, and Dail and Ethel Howard, at the 504 Fire Department and Dail and Ethel Howard’s Farm on October 12, 2019. Topics included: Maple Syrup Production and High Tunnel Gardening. 

Concluding the field day, was the Beef Quality and Care Assurance (BQCA) Certification training videos and exams where 12 producers attended and completed the training, with 55 participants attending the Farm Field Day and touring Dail and Ethel Howard’s Farm and learning about Maple Syrup Production and High Tunnel Gardening. 

Before discussion and playing of the Beef IRM video’s producers in attendance were asked by a show of hands how many had requested a soil test or brought in soil samples for analysis to the Elliott County Extension Office, how many conducted forage test, how many raised a garden,  and how many had tapped maple trees.

Over 85 percent of the producers completed soil test, however only 14 producers in attendance had ever had there forage tested. Twenty-one producers stated they were still raising a garden and seven participant stated they were either currently tapping maple trees or had tapped maple trees in the past. After the program 27 producers have either called, text, emailed or asked me to conduct soil samples this fall or next spring, 51 producers have signed up to have their forage analyzed and samples pulled for the East KY Hay Contest, five producers stated they were going to try and raise a garden for the first time and sign up through NRCS to try and have a High Tunnel Funded and three participants indicated they were interested in tapping and collecting maple syrup this winter. 

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