Success StoryBasket Group
Basket Group
Author: Cortney Moses
Planning Unit: Whitley County CES
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development
Plan of Work: Arts and Creativity
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Among Whitley County residents there exists a strong desire to make baskets. This desire could stem from our handy Appalachian roots, a need to carry on traditions, or simply admiration of the beauty baskets possess. Whitley County Fine Arts has been providing basket making educational opportunities including basket making demos at schools and field days as well as providing classes at the Extension Community Arts Center averaging 3 per year over the last 8 years. This has been made possible due to the knowledge and basket expertise of a handful of local women and one woman in particular. These educational opportunities have only whet the appetite of local citizens.
Our main professional basket volunteer, Joan, started making baskets following her retirement in 2003 and has currently completed over 300. She donates her time to the Fine Arts Center and community and charges nothing for her instruction. Because of Joan and Fine Arts supplementing cost of materials, we are able to charge extremely low rates for our basket classes. Comparable classes range from $80-$200. Our classes range from $5-30. This low cost allows for increased basket making opportunities for a broader range of income levels.
In order to meet the demand for basket making classes, Fine Arts Agent, Cortney Moses, met with her basket professional and volunteer, Joan. They discussed the situation and realized that Joan and Cortney spend a large amount time prepping for classes, measuring and ordering materials, cutting materials, and making kits. Then after the 8 hours class they are continually managing time with participants to finish up their baskets. In doing this they realized that participants were only learning about half of the process. Their solution was to add a basket group to our list of recurring monthly arts groups. The goal of this group is to be open to everyone, free to attend with no obligation. This monthly schedule would free up and simplify Joan’s time, fully expose basket making enthusiasts to the entire process of basket making, and also to explore new techniques and materials.
The first group meeting had a promising turnout of 12 participants. The group hours were from 10am-2pm. The members were excited about the mission of the group and also supportive in helping to make things easier on Joan. In the first group, participants expressed their desires for the group, measured and cut reed for the upcoming basket making class, witnessed a demonstration of using rim row and lashing to finish a basket, and exploring basket designs. Cortney and Joan predict that because of this new opportunity, it will help continue the rich tradition of basket making in Whitley County into future generations.
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